Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Art Of Privacy Top Secret Level PC Security

Sometime in 2010 I realized just how easy it was becoming for virtually anyone to become an amateur computer "hacker." There was a lot of buzz about a little program called Firesheep that made it trivially simple to hi-jack the online accounts of anyone who happened to be using the same public Wi-Fi hotspot you were.
You know, the one at the library or local Panera Bread for instance. If you could surf the web you could download Firesheep and become a "hacker." It was that easy to use.
I realized that my laptop was wide open to this very same hi-jacking technique plus many others. In other words, when I sat down with a hot mug of coffee and activated my laptop's Wi-Fi for some serious web surfing anyone nearby could, without much trouble, hi-jack my Facebook account, capture my various passwords or check out what I was searching for on Google and I might never know until it was too late!

As if all that weren't bad enough I thought of all the other ways my privacy could be, in fact was being, compromised:
Ø  Websites I visited could see my geographic location and other identifying information.

Ø  If my computer were stolen the thief could sift through my digital photos and other confidential files at their leisure.

Ø  Intrusive government agents could access and perhaps copy my laptop files at airports or border crossings in any number of countries.

Ø  My system could become hostage to a virus or other mal-ware and I might lose all my irreplaceable photos and documents.

Right here's the embarrassing thing: I 'd understood all this for years however had actually done virtually nothing about it even though I've been involved in the Information Technology industry because 2001 when I got my first industry requirement certification.

I 'd dabbled with various PC safety and privacytechniques at numerous times however had always stopped short of really pulling together the understanding I had and actually making my pc safe and protected.

That altered for me when I understood that my "little" brother could with a couple of clicks, take control of my Facebook account, not to mention any variety of various other accounts I make use of. And who was the computer expert once again ?! I thought about how ridiculous I 'd feel if I had my Facebook or Amazon account hi-jacked when I could easily do something to prevent it.

I set out to freshen myself on what the privacy threats out there were and exactly what I could do to quickly and easily lower my danger of falling victim to a friendly Facebook hack from my brother or something far more sinister. I quickly recognized that it truly isn't as complicated as it initially seems to be.

Sure, I've studied pc systems for time but when I pulled all the details together and invested a little time setting up a test notebook making use of the techniques I 'd gathered I thought, "Hey, this is something anyone who is comfortable with web browsing can do if I show them exactly what to do!".

With that in mind I developed an overview of reveal you exactly what you should do to keep malicious kinds from stealing your identification, snooping through your digital images and searching your confidential files.